Thursday, April 7, 2011

Missin' my Gran

Such a beautiful spring day- flowers blooming, sunlight breaking through the blinds warming my bed as I wake up from my day nap...The cherry tree outside the office window is so heavy with pink fluffy blooms, thick and rich and perfect. On the way home from work this morning, the city workers were cutting the grass on the sides of Sam Cooper, and the smell overtook my car and my nose, and I thought of my Gran. The smell of fresh cut grass, wild onions in the yard, new growth coming out of the ground and taking over the breezes- these smells remind me of my Gran. So I thought I'd put some pictures up of things that remind me of Gran, and spend some time remembering what an incredible woman she was, and thanking God for the time I was able to spend with her, looking forward to when I will see her again, hoping she is proud of me.

Trees between my house growing up and Gran's house (which was next door). Growing up living next to Gran was one of God's biggest gifts to me, and I will always be grateful.

The old barn behind Gran's house. Old barns remind me of her.

Her front porch, where I played with her, drank buttermilk and cornbread, got stung by a wasp, waited for dinner and my mom to come home...

The yard by her house, where she and Grandadden had bee hives at one time. Bee hives and fresh honeycomb remind me of them.

The tree in our front yard that I used to climb. Good climbing trees remind me.. especially magnolias.

Gran's clothes line. Open windows in the spring, the smell of sun-dried linens and fresh sheets remind me of Gran. She smelled like fresh linen and sunshine.

Intersection on our old street.

Another climbing tree- the branch she used to put me up on has broken off to just a stub.

I bet she is having a blast with my Lord- saving me a seat!

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